Shows text with annotations


Annotated textObjectValue array with text/annotations. Must be a JSON string or a state reference to an array.
    ReferenceColorThe colour to be used as reference for chroma and luminance, and as the starting point for hue rotation.
      Seed valueNumberChoose a different value to reshuffle colours.
        Rotate hueBooleanIf active, rotates the hue depending on the content of the string. If turned off, the reference colour is always used.
        1. Yes
        2. No
        Use MarkdownBooleanIf active, the output will be sanitized; unsafe elements will be removed.
        1. Yes
        2. No
        Copy buttonsBooleanIf active, adds a control bar with both copy text and JSON buttons.
        1. Yes
        2. No
          Button textColor
            Primary textColor
              Custom CSS classesTextCSS classes, separated by spaces. You can define classes in custom stylesheets.

                Low code usage

                This component can be declared directly in Python, using backend-driven UI.

                        "text": {}, # Union[Dict, str] 
                        "referenceColor": "", # str 
                        "seed": 0.0, # Union[float, str] 
                        "rotateHue": "yes", # str [yes, no]
                        "useMarkdown": "no", # str [yes, no]
                        "copyButtons": "no", # str [yes, no]
                        "buttonColor": "", # str 
                        "buttonTextColor": "", # str 
                        "primaryTextColor": "", # str 
                        "cssClasses": "", # str 


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