Writer Framework offers you the possibility of optimizing metadata to optimize your SEO and the sharing of information on social networks.

Configure page title

The page title is editable for web crawlers. This title is a key element for the SEO of your application. A bot will not load the app. It will see Writer Framework by default.

writer.serve.configure_webpage_metadata(title="My amazing app")

If you need dynamic title,you can use a function instead of a hard coded parameter. The title will be evaluated when the Robot loads the page.

def _title():
	last_news = db.get_last_news()
	return f"Last news: {last_news.title}"


Configure meta tags

http headers allow you to specify a title, a description and keywords which will be used by a search engine.


	title="My amazing app",
    	"description": "my amazing app",
    	"keywords": "WF, Amazing, AI App",
    	"author": "Amazing company"

You can also use a function to generate the meta tags dynamically.


def _meta():
	last_news = db.get_last_news()
	return {
		"description": f"Last news: {last_news.title}",
		"keywords": f"{last_news.keywords}",
		"author": "Amazing company"


Configure social networks

When you share a link on social networks, they will try to fetch the metadata of the page to display a preview.


    opengraph_tags= {
    	"og:title": "My App",
    	"og:description": "My amazing app",
    	"og:image": "https://myapp.com/logo.png",
    	"og:url": "https://myapp.com"

You can also use a function to generate the opengraph tags dynamically.


def _opengraph_tags():
	last_news = db.get_last_news()
	return {
		"og:title": f"Last news: {last_news.title}",
		"og:description": f"{last_news.description}",
		"og:image": f"{last_news.image}",
		"og:url": f"https://myapp.com/news/{last_news.id}"
