In this tutorial, you’ll build a release notes generator using the Writer Framework. This application will help you generate release notes as formatted HTML for software updates based on user-provided data as a CSV file. You can check out the finished code on GitHub to see what you’ll be building.

The application consists of two main parts: the backend, which processes the uploaded CSV file and generates the release notes, and the frontend, which displays the release notes and allows users to download them.

Setting up your project

Creating a Writer app and getting your API key

From the Home screen, click on Build an app.

Select Framework as the app type you want to create, enabling you to generate keys and build your app with the Writer Framework.

On the next screen, you can edit your Writer application name at the top left. Underneath “Authenticate with an API key,” click “Reveal” to view and copy your API key.

Creating the application

Next, open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to create your application directory.


Set the API key environment variable

To pass your API key to the Writer Framework, you’ll need to set an environment variable called WRITER_API_KEY. Here’s how you can set this variable in your terminal session:

export WRITER_API_KEY=[key]

Clone the application

Run the following command to clone the framework-tutorials repo and navigate to the folder containing the starting point for this application.

git clone
cd framework-tutorials/release-notes-generator/start

Edit your project

To edit your project, run the following commands. This will bring up the console, which displays Framework-wide messages and errors, including logs from the API. By default, the Writer Framework Builder is accessible at localhost:4005. If this port is in use, you can specify a different port. Open this address in your browser to view your default application setup.

 writer edit .

Introduction to the application setup

The template includes some basic code, UI setup, and files to help you get started.

Included files

The files and contain helper functions for generating prompts for the AI model and formatting the output HTML, respectively.

In the sample-input folder, you’ll find a sample CSV file that you can use to test the application.

Finally, the custom.css file in the static folder contains custom CSS styles for the application.

Dependency imports

In, you’ll see that the dependencies are already imported at the top:

import writer as wf
import pandas as pd
from prompts import get_release_notes_summary_prompt, get_release_notes_desc_prompt, get_category_prompt
from html_template import format_output

These dependencies include the Writer Framework, the Writer AI module, and pandas for data manipulation.

Initial UI

The template includes a basic UI setup, including a Page component with a Header component. The Header component also includes an Image. If you want to change the logo image, you can replace the logo_image_path variable in the state with the path to your desired image in the static folder.

Initializing the application state

First, in, set up the initial state for the application. This state will store the application’s title, logo image path, file data, metrics, and processing status for each step. You’ll also import a custom CSS file to style the application and create a placeholder DataFrame.


Create initial DataFrame

Create a placeholder DataFrame on the line above wf.init_state:

placeholder_data = {
    'Description': ['Description 1', 'Description 2', 'Description 3'],
    'Label': ['Label 1', 'Label 2', 'Label 3']
initial_df = pd.DataFrame(placeholder_data)

Initialize state

Update the initial state for the application at the bottom of

initial_state = wf.init_state({
    "my_app": {"title": "RELEASE NOTES GENERATOR"},
    "logo_image_path": 'static/Writer_Logo_black.svg',
    "file": {"name": "", "file_path": ""},
    "metrics": {"new_features": 0, "caveats": 0, "fixed_issues": 0, "total": 0},
    "step1": {
        "raw_csv": initial_df,
        "completed": "no",
        "generate-button-state": "yes",
        "processing-message": None,
        "styled-table": "<h3>csv table</h3>"
    "step2": {
        "release-notes": None,
        "completed": "no",
        "formatted-release-notes": "notes should go here"

Import custom CSS

Import the custom CSS file below the initial state setup:

initial_state.import_stylesheet(".description, .list, .summary, .category ", "/static/custom.css")

Building the file upload functionality

First, you’ll build the file upload feature. Note that,, and custom.css are provided in the starting point for the application. There is also a sample CSV file in the sample-input folder that you can use to test the application.

Implementing the file upload handler

To handle file uploads, you’ll create a function in that reads the uploaded CSV file, processes the data, and stores it in the application state.


Implementing a file upload handler

In, create a function to handle file uploads. This function will read the uploaded CSV file, process the data, and store it in the application state.

def onchangefile_handler(state, payload):
    uploaded_file = payload[0]
    name = uploaded_file.get("name")
    state["file"]["name"] = name
    state["step1"]["processing-message"] = f'+File {name} uploaded successfully.'
    state["file"]["file_path"] = f"data/{name}"
    file_data = uploaded_file.get("data")
    with open(f"data/{name}", "wb") as file_handle:
    data = pd.read_csv(state["file"]["file_path"])
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    state["step1"]["raw_csv"] = df
    state["step1"]["generate-button-state"] = "no"

Create CSV to DataFrame converter

Define a function to convert the CSV file to a DataFrame:

def _raw_csv_to_df(state):
    data = pd.read_csv(state["file"]["file_path"])
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    return df

Displaying the uploaded CSV file

Next, you’ll display the uploaded CSV file in the application UI.


Creating a Step Container

Add a Step Container component to the Page. This will contain the two steps for the application.


Create Step components

Drag two Step components into the Step Container. Name the first one “Load CSV file” and the second “Release notes”.


Configure first Step component

Click on the the first Step component to select it and bring up the Properties pane. Set “Completed” to @{step1.completed}. This state reference will contain either “yes” or “no” based on the completion status of the step.


Add Message component

Within this Step, add a Message component with the message set to @{step1.processing-message}. Scroll down to the Visibility section of the settings. Select “Custom” and set the condition to step1.processing-message.


Create three-column layout

Add a Column Container component and add three Column components. For the first column, set the width to 0.5. For the third column, set “Content alignment (H)” to “Left” and “Content alignment (V)” to “Bottom.”


Add file input

In the middle column, place a File Input component labeled “Please upload your CSV file”. Set its wf-file-change handler to onchangefile_handler.


Add generate button

In the third column, add a Button labeled “Generate release notes”. Set its “Disabled” property to @{step1.generate-button-state} and its “Icon” property to laps.


Add Raw CSV section

Under the columns, create a Section component and set the title to “Raw CSV”.


Add DataFrame component

In this section, add a DataFrame component to display the raw CSV data. Configure its properties to use @{step1.raw_csv} as the data source. Toggle “Enable download,” “Use Markdown,” and “Wrap text” to “yes”. Set the Separator color to #d4b2f7 using the CSS tab.

Your application should now look like this:

When using the sample data located in sample-input/test-data.csv, the Raw CSV section will display the uploaded CSV file:

Generating release notes

Now that you’ve set up the file upload functionality, you can generate release notes based on the uploaded CSV file.

Defining text completion functions

Using the prompts provided, define functions to get the category, release notes summary, and release notes description using AI completion. You’ll use these functions to process the uploaded CSV file and generate release notes.


Create category function

Define a function to get the category using AI completion:

def _get_category(desc, label):
    prompt = get_category_prompt(desc, label)
    label =
    return label

Create summary function

Define a function to get the release notes summary:

def _get_release_notes_summary(label, desc):
    prompt = get_release_notes_summary_prompt(label, desc)
    formatted_desc =
    return formatted_desc

Create description function

Define a function to get the release notes description:

def _get_release_notes_desc(label, desc):
    prompt = get_release_notes_desc_prompt(label, desc)
    formatted_desc =
    return formatted_desc

Implementing the generate functionality

You’ll next implement the ability to process the CSV and generate release notes.


Create category HTML

Define a function to generate HTML for the categories:

def _create_df_for_category(df,state):
    unique_categories = df['Primary-Category']
    formatted_output_list = list()
    for category in set(unique_categories):
        df_category = df[df['Primary-Category']==category]
        categories = {" New Feature": "new_features", " Caveat": "caveats", " Fixed Issue": "fixed_issues" }
        curr_category = categories[category]
        state["metrics"][curr_category]= df_category.shape[0]
        formatted_output = format_output(category,df_category)
    return "".join(formatted_output_list)

Create HTML file writer

Define a function to write HTML to a file:

def _write_html_to_file(html):
    with open("data/output-html.html", "w") as file_handle:

Implement generate button handler

Next, create a function to handle the generate button click. This function will process the uploaded CSV file, generate release notes, and store the formatted output in the application state.

def handle_generate_button_click(state):
    state["step1"]["generate-button-state"] = "yes"
    state["step1"]["processing-message-isVisible"] = True
    state["step1"]["processing-message"] = "%Hang tight, preparing to process your file"

    notes_counter = 0
    df = _raw_csv_to_df(state)
    csv_row_count = df.shape[0]
    for index, row in df.iterrows():[index,"Primary-Category"] = _get_category(label=row["Labels"], desc=row["Description"])[index,"Release-Notes-Summary"] = _get_release_notes_summary(label=row["Labels"], desc=row["Description"])[index,"Release-Notes-Description"] = _get_release_notes_desc(label=row["Labels"], desc=row["Description"])
        notes_counter += 1 
        state["step1"]["processing-message"] = f'%Processing {notes_counter} of {csv_row_count} Release Notes'
    df_temp = df[["Primary-Category","Release-Notes-Summary","Release-Notes-Description"]]
    df_sorted = df_temp.sort_values(by='Primary-Category')

    state["step2"]["release-notes"] = df_sorted
    state["step1"]["completed"] = "yes"
    state["step1"]["processing-message"] = ""

    html = _create_df_for_category(df_sorted,state)
    state["step2"]["formatted-release-notes"] = html
    state["metrics"]["total"] = df_sorted.shape[0]

    state["step1"]["generate-button-state"] = "no"

Bind button handler to Generate button

Finally, click on the “Generate release notes” button in the UI builder and set its wf-click handler to handle_generate_button_click.

Displaying the release notes

Now that you’ve generated the release notes, you can display them in the application UI.

Implementing helper functions

Define helper functions to handle back button clicks, write HTML to a file and download the HTML file.


Create back button handler

Define a function to handle the back button click:

def handle_back_button_click(state):
    state["step1"]["completed"] = "no"

Create file download handler

Define a function to handle downloading the HTML file:

def handle_file_download(state):
    html_data = wf.pack_file("data/output-html.html","text/html")
    file_name = "output-html.html"

Building the initial release notes UI

Next, you’ll build the UI for the “Release notes” step.


Select 'Release notes' Step

To display the Release notes Step component, you’ll need to double-click on it.


Add Separator

Inside of the Step component, add a Separator component.


Add Columns components

Below the Separator, add a Column Container component and a single Column component.


Add Back button

In the column, add a Button. Set its text to “Back” and set its wf-click handler to handle_back_button_click. Set the “Icon” property to arrow_back.

Buiding tabs for Release notes display

Below the Back button, add a Tab Container component and two Tab components. Name them “Formatted release notes” and “Release notes”.

Formatted release notes tab

In the first tab, you’ll display the formatted release notes.


Add HTML component

In the first tab, add an HTML Element component. Set the “Element” property div and the “Styles” property to the following object:

    "padding": "16px",
    "min-height": "64px",
    "min-width": "64px",
    "border-radius": "8px",
    "background": "white",

Finally, set the “HTML inside” property to @{step2.formatted-release-notes}.


Create three-column layout

Inside thie HTML Element component, create a three-column layout using a Column Container component and three Column components.


Add Metric components

In each column, add three Metric components to display new features, caveats, and fixed issues, respectively. Set the “Name” of these components to a single space to remove the placeholder text: . Then, set the values of these components to @{metrics.new_features}, @{metrics.caveats}, and @{metrics.fixed_issues}. Finally, set the “Note” text to “+New Features”, “+Caveats”, and “+Fixed Issues” respectively. The ”+” sign will display styling that indicates a positive message.


Add download button

Under the columns, add a Button component. Set its “Text” to “Download HTML” and its “Icon” to download. Then, set the wf-click handler to handle_file_download.

The Formatted release notes tab should look like this when using the sample data:

Release notes tab

Finally, you’ll add a Dataframe component to the second tab to display the detailed release notes.


Add Metric component

In the second tab, start with a Metric component to show the total number of release notes generated. Set the “Name” to “Number of release notes generated” and the “Value” to @{}. Delete the default value for “Note”.


Add DataFrame component

Follow this with a DataFrame component to display the detailed release notes, setting the “Data” property to @{step2.release-notes}. Configure it for text wrapping, downloading, and searching capabilities. Set the Separator color to #d4b2f7.

The final Release notes section should look like this:

You can see the finished code on GitHub or in framework-tutorials/release-notes-generator/end in the tutorials repo you cloned at the beginning of the tutorial.

Deploying the application

To deploy the application to the Writer cloud, either terminate your current Writer Framework process or open a new terminal session and run the following command:

writer deploy .

You’ll be prompted for your API key.

Once the application is deployed, the CLI will return with the URL of your live application.


By following these steps, you’ve created a complete Release notes generator application using Writer Framework. To learn more, explore the rest of the Writer Framework documentation and the API documentation.