Error handling
This table outlines the HTTP status codes you may encounter when using the API, along with descriptions to help you understand and troubleshoot issues.
Error code | Description |
400 | Bad request error: Indicates an issue with the format or content of your request. This error may also encompass other 4XX status errors not specifically listed here. |
401 | Authentication error: There’s an issue with your API key, or it’s missing from your request headers resulting in unauthorization. |
403 | Permission error: Your API key doesn’t have permission to access the requested resource. |
404 | Model not found error: The specified model couldn’t be found. This may be due to an incorrect URL or model ID. |
429 | Rate limit exceeded: You have exceeded the allotted number of requests per time period for your account. Please wait and try your request again later. |
500 | API error: An unexpected error occurred within our systems. If this persists, contact support for further assistance. |
503 | Service unavailable: The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overload or maintenance. Please retry your request after some time. |
504 | Timeout error: The server didn’t receive a timely response from an upstream server. Please retry your request after some time. |
Best practices