AI Studio has four available user roles based on what parts of the app creation building process those users will be performing.

These roles are:

  1. View-only: Get view-only access to your organization’s resources such as apps, voices, and Knowledge Graphs (KGs). This role can’t make changes across AI Studio.
  2. Individual builder: Build and maintain your apps, voices, and KGs.
  3. Full access: Manage deployments across your organization, and create and maintain API keys and Framework apps.
  4. Org admin: Manage both people and billing.
FeatureView onlyIndividual builderFull accessOrg admin + Full access
View no-code apps
View templates
Create app from template
Duplicate existing no-code app
Create no code app
Delete draft application - created by self
Delete draft application - created by anyone
Modify no code app (draft) - created by self
Modify any no code app
Deploy no code app (embed snippet or to Writer)
Push changes (deploy current draft of existing app)
Regenerate embed token for no code application
API keys (create, revoke, view secret, etc)
Framework apps (create, revoke, view secret, etc)
Open apps in playground & copy playground URL
Enable/disable playground - app created by self
Enable/disable playground - all apps
Create Knowledge Graph
Create Voice
Modify/delete KG - created by self
Modify/delete Voice - created by self
Modify/delete KG - created by anyone
Modify/delete Voice - created by anyone
Invite user to AI Studio
Delete AI Studio user
Change user AI Studio roles
CRUD Billing details
View analytics (when released)

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