Writing a welcome message

A welcome message is the first message your users will see. Greet them, tell them how to use the app, and include any special instructions or anything else they should know.


Creating an avatar

Choose an avatar for your app. This can be your company logo or any other image you prefer.


Currently only .svg files are supported.

Choosing a mode

To choose the right mode for your app you need to decide how your users will interact with it. If you want them to ask general questions, choose the General chat mode. If you want them to ask specific questions about your company’s data, choose the Knowledge Graph mode.

Knowledge Graph lets you ask questions about your company’s data and get reliable, accurate answers. It uses multiple internal sources, making it easy to find information even if you’re not sure where it’s stored. Read more here.

Here is a detailed breakdown:

General chat mode

  • Use this mode to ideate or create content

Knowledge Graph mode

  • Use this mode to get answers from your company’s data
  • Before you can use Knowledge Graph mode, you need to set up a Knowledge Graph with all the relevant files for your use case. You can do this from the side navigation bar. You won’t be able to build an app with a Knowledge Graph if no Knowledge Graph exists. Read how to set it up here.

To build an app, you need to select at least one mode. If you’re not sure which one to choose, select the General chat app mode.


Providing instructions

Instructions are the system messages that reach the LLM and can be used to provide context or structure to how your chat app responds to requests.

For example, you can use instructions to:

  1. Request answers in a specific language by providing examples.
  2. Patch stale data in your Knowledge Graph that’s hard to retrieve by providing additional information.
  3. Provide context about the users and how to address them.
  4. Set limits on the topics that can be answered.

Your instructions will tell the LLM what answers to generate and how to format them.

Knowledge Graph helps you find information from multiple sources across your organization. Ask questions and get answers based on your data. Think of it as having a knowledgeable virtual assistant that provides insights and helps you respond to your customers. Read more here.